The Amazing Work Of Filmmaker Sharath Chandra
A lot of people, when they think of Hollywood, visualize all the difficulties there are in actually getting a job in the entertainment industry. We think that is a good idea — that is, to think of all the negatives involved and then talk themselves out of the struggle that awaits them had they jumped in head first and gave it everything they’ve got. Had they only waited in one more line and auditioned for a possible role of a lifetime or if they had only sent out one more resumé to a studio or movie producer, they might have awakened in a whole new world. But they gave up too early so maybe Hollywood and movie making just wasn’t for them. Thank goodness the rest didn’t give up. Sharath Chandra came all the way over here from India to get in the business and nothing — nothing was going to get in his way or stop him from doing it.
Once he realized that he not only loved movies but knew he had to work on them, he came over to Los Angeles and earned degree a from the prestigious New York Film Academy and got the ball rolling, so to speak. He has only been in California a few short years and has been working ever since. He has worked as a camera person, sound recorder, producer, editor and writer and director, among many other jobs.
He has made a name for himself as the go-to guy when someone needs something done on a film or digital video show. They call him because chances are he has done it before and understands how to do it properly to get the movie made. He has worked on so many film and digital projects that IMDB has just about run out of room on his page to add more credits. Not to worry though, we’re sure they will come up with a solution because he has no plans on quitting any time soon.
He has worked on too many feature films to name them all here, and he also wrote, directed and edited an award-winning short film called: Small. Sharath can operate any camera given to him, whether it is film or digital and he can also use any type or editing equipment, film or digital also. He is a very talented craftsman and artist and his peers know who to call when they need a capable and efficient person on the job.