Social Media Influencer Maya Antić Creating Her Own Path In The Entertainment World
We recently caught up with the beautiful Maya Antić who has managed to pave her own path to success by being a Social Media Influencer -sharing her passion and lifestyle with the world. So how does a busy person like Maya balance out her every day life being her own boss? She was happy to share some of her tips with us, here is what she had to say:
Hi Maya, lovely to meet you. First of all, it’s exciting speaking with a Social Media Influencer. Please give us your background on that and when did you first got into the entertainment business:
I think I’ve created my own kind of entertainment world way, back when I was a kid. Since I can remember, entertaining and performing has been my thing. It’s just a part of who I am, so it was always pretty clear that I would one day pursue a career in one of those creative fields. Starting out as a figure skater on the ice, to later on acting on stage and in front of the camera. I’d say I professionally entered the entertainment business right after graduating from acting school in Germany, when I shot my first movie. I was 20 years young back then, so, it’s definitely been a couple years. Then social media came along and I first started my Instagram in 2014 as a hobby -then eventually turned it into my everyday job. It just came natural to me as everything I do on social media, has always been my lifestyle.
How has being a social media influencer changed your view of being an entertainer?
I would say to just be even more true to yourself. We are living in a fast paced world and one of the things that you want to make sure of is that you don’t lose yourself in it along the way. Being true to yourself and of course others, is vital and more important than ever. As a human being and entertainer in the social media world, authenticity is key!
Do you feel there are many more opportunities now because of the internet and social media?
Yes absolutely, after growing up with a Nintendo that was basically the only kind of technology we had back then. Now, looking at Instagram, Facebook and the www it definitely has a huge impact on the opportunities we can create for ourselves. People from all over the world are able to connect with one easy click. I mean… yes — opportunities lie everywhere these days.
Who were some of your influences growing up?
I know this sounds very cliché but, I gotta say my mom. She and I are very close she influenced me in many, many ways -my parents in general. Sure I looked up to certain athletes or people I admired but my parents are my super heroes. They impacted my life in various ways and still do to this day. I love them more than anything.
What does a typical day look like for you?
One of the things I love so much about my job is, there is no day like the other. My days vary a lot but I do have a strict routine with it which I can talk about. I usually get up at 5 am to have as many hours in my day as possible -to accomplish the most! Right after getting up — I work out. I truly believe it is how we spend our mornings that will determine our days and our overall success. Setting the right attitude, the right mindset for the day by working out or simply taking time for yourself is key! I skate 4 to 5 times per week and/or do Yoga, meditate and journaling in the AM. Then I am ready and showered by 8 to tackle the business. If I have meetings or important phone calls I usually try to set them up early so I have the most energy for it.
After that, another very steady thing and important part of my every day business: checking emails, answering emails, doing important business related phone calls, setting up new meetings, posting content to my Instagram channel and I always make sure to take the time to interact with my readers. Answering comments, direct messages and so on. That’s probably my only consistency during an actual work day of mine, other than that — my days vary soooo much. I go to meetings, shoot new campaigns, visit PR-people or agencies, I go to castings, I go to job related events, I write new posts for my readers, create new content, meet new potential clients -and as of the past few weeks I also been working on something new, that takes up most of my time at the moment.
When I come home usually around 8 or 9 at night, I am just like everyone else, I think. I love to cook dinner, or go to dinner, see a movie, and most importantly I love to spend time with my friends and loved ones -which is always uplifting and recharging. An hour before bed I usually write down a little resume about my day — what I liked, what I’m grateful for and what I’d like to do and accomplish the next day. I prepare my new To-Do list for the next day and try to put my phone away at least 30 mins before bed time… That’s basically my day in a nutshell.
What projects are you currently working on?
If I tell you, I would have to kill you!… haha no, no just kidding. I am currently working on a secret project that I can’t talk about much yet, but it will be published veryyyy soon, I promise.
What have you learned the most about this business?
To be on top of my own game, especially these days, as I said before — the world is going fast, very fast. If you want to achieve something you always need to be a little bit on top of everything. Your schedule, your work out routine, appointments, basically everything you can think of. Being your own boss takes a lot of determination, discipline and focus — which I always had but, never used to my full potential. This business thought me!
What is your best piece of advice to other up and coming Influencers out there? Any tips on social media?
BE YOU! Don’t copy, be original! Come up with your own original ideas and most importantly — be true and authentic, ALWAYS. Put in the work, the hours, the sweat, the grind which can’t be cheated! And lastly, enjoy the ride — it’s a journey and nothing can be rushed!
To follow Maya Antić on her beautiful journey, go to: