Actress Robyn Duse Talks About Her Current Projects And Coping With Industry Changes

Hollywood 411
5 min readJul 20, 2020


We recently caught up with Australian actress Robyn Duse to talk about how she is coping with her change of plans for coming back to the US in the wake of Covid-19 -as well as the recent loss of her friend Bonnie Pointer from The Pointer Sisters. Here is what she had to share:

Hi Robyn! How is everything going for you? I understand you were planning to come back to LA, but due to these unforeseen circumstances, that has all changed for the time being.

Yes, I sure was! My one way ticket back to LA was originally scheduled for April and since then, I have had to postpone my flight many times due to these unforeseen circumstances.

How have you adjusted to the change of plans?

At first I was quite disheartened, because lots of big plans have been put on hold including my move to LA and meetings with producers/execs which I had lined up. There is no doubt that collectively we have all been faced with extra hurdles these past few months which have caused many setbacks -however it has enabled me the opportunity to spend more quality time with family, more space to work on my creative process and a time to slow down and reflect.

What have you been working on?

I am blessed to have been filming some self-test auditions through my agent. These past 2 weeks I have been filming (presenting/hosting) and doing some voice over narrations. It has been a new yet exciting challenge that has also taught me new skills. Currently I am working on a film pitch and collaborating with industry professionals on a personal project that I’m very passionate about. It is something that is very close to my heart and will resonate with many people.

Robyn pictured with Bonnie Pointer

Your friend Bonnie Pointer, from the Pointer sisters recently passed away which was so tragic! It must have been really hard hearing this, especially from the other side of the world.

It sure was such a tragic time hearing about Bonnie’s sudden passing, it felt very surreal. Anyone who knew Bonnie personally, knew that she was such a vibrant beautiful soul that welcomed you into her world with open arms. I felt very blessed to have spent many times in the recording studio in LA with her, where she shared her fascinating personal stories with me, the challenges of her journey and her experiences with racism in and out of the industry.

Bonnie and I shared some beautiful moments where she had also given me her own personal sunglasses (that she was wearing) as a Christmas gift because I loved them so much. It really is, the small things in life that make a huge difference -which are in fact the big things. Bonnie’s amazing soulful voice, her valuable time that she gave me, her beautiful enthusiastic presence that just radiated, her willingness to be so open and vulnerable -sharing such personal moments that I will cherish and never forget. I will forever be grateful that I knew Bonnie on a personal level and was also present during the recording of her last solo album.

Robyn and Michael Mandaville

You also have a very exciting live chat coming up with producer and director Michael Mandaville. Tell us about that.

Yes, it sure is exciting to have a special Hollywood industry guest on my instagram live, discussing some hot topics. Michael Mandaville, is not only a great friend however, an absolute genius in the industry. He is a reputable Hollywood Producer, Line Producer, Director and Writer. He is well-known for producing Hollywood box office international films such as ‘TAKEN 1, 2 & 3’ starring Liam Neeson and has also worked on many other box office hits such as ‘American History X’ starring Edward Norton.

On our IG live video call — Michael will discuss past/current projects, film — making tips, changes to production adhering to COVID guidelines, the do’s & don’ts in Hollywood (especially for those who are transitioning into Hollywood from other countries) and we will conclude with a short Q&A -where viewers can ask industry related questions to Michael. You can tune in via: @robynduseactress on Instagram.

What are your plans for the next 6 months? Are you playing it by ear, since everything is unknown and uncertain right now?

It’s quite difficult to plan anything with certainly at the moment, given we have so many constant changes in the world. My plan is to be back in LA within the next 6 months. In the meantime, I am currently in Australia remaining focused on my goals, staying creative and working on some projects that are currently in pre-production.

How do you maintain your sanity during such trying times like these?

Fortunately, I am quite a strong minded person which works in my favor especially during these times.. It can be very challenging to know that the world we live in, is in such a chaotic mess -but I personally maintain my sanity by having a strong clear vision of what I want and my goals. This helps me to stay on track, stay creative, work on my craft and upcoming projects which enables me to be even more prepared for when the world re-opens again. Also, I am spending time with family and doing regular walks and exercise which is also important to me. This all helps me to stay motivated and have more clarity.

Are there any rituals you follow?

My spirituality and ‘The Law of attraction’ plays a big part in my life. I am a big believer of what you put out into the world, is like mirror reflection -it transcends back into your own personal reality. I also listen to a lot of inspirational videos and audio, read bio’s, books and stay as creative and positive as I can.

What else would you like share with readers?

Believe in yourself no matter what and trust that YOU are enough. Especially in the world of social media, it’s very easy to compare your life thinking that you are not enough, that you are not where you need to be, or comparing yourself to others. However, trust what you have been through will elevate you to a higher purpose and that everything falls into place when the timing is right. Know your worth and don’t let anybody tell you or make you feel that you are not enough. Through your life’s experiences, your solace and pain, you can use what you have been through to ascend and help others by giving back. Also, self belief is everything! Stay true to who you are, trust, have faith and follow your soul.

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